Steve and Kimber says: hi
Edmund says: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve and Kimber says: hey man
Steve and Kimber says: kimber saw you online.
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: not often
Steve and Kimber says: ...
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: what's shakin?
Edmund says: alot
Steve and Kimber says: like?
Edmund says: dude
Steve and Kimber says: yes?
Edmund says: i'm very very very confuse
Steve and Kimber says: about?
Edmund says: confused
Steve and Kimber says: ...
Edmund says: how I have seen God moved in my life..
Edmund says: and how i have seen his face
Edmund says: and know him all these years
Edmund says: and yet, i'm struggling in my faith now
Steve and Kimber says: sorry.
Edmund says: not in salvation or anything
Steve and Kimber says: i know that.
Steve and Kimber says: ...
Edmund says: but just how on earth I can be soooo afraid of life now
Steve and Kimber says: like the future or...
Steve and Kimber says: ?
Edmund says: yea
Edmund says: and present really
Steve and Kimber says: where to go...what to do kinda stuff?
Edmund says: um...
Edmund says: not so much of that...
Edmund says: but why am i feeling like i'm stuck in a rut
Edmund says: i'm not happy...
Edmund says: and granted i know he's bringing me closer to him
Edmund says: but am i suppose to alter something in my life??
Steve and Kimber says: does it seem to control you...when you are happy...when you aren't?
Edmund says: ?
Steve and Kimber says: does your mood dictate your relationship with Him?
Edmund says: i honestly don't remember when was the last time I was just happy with my life..
Steve and Kimber says: been there.
Edmund says: no but i think my personality does let my mood dictate it
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: well i'm here with you then
Steve and Kimber says: it's a focus thing i guess.
Edmund says: yea...
Edmund says: i was listening to louie giglio
Steve and Kimber says: is the romance the focus or the situations of life...?
Steve and Kimber says: yes?
Edmund says: and he was talking about "poured out like a drink offering"
Edmund says: and that even through hell or high water
Edmund says: we commit our lives in the Hands of God
Edmund says: scary scary hands
Edmund says: hands that would lead us through the wilderness and by the still waters
Steve and Kimber says: never said it was a walk in the park...more like a wild adventure...
Edmund says: yea... but dude, i'm hurting bro
Steve and Kimber says: exciting, happy,sucks, hurts, bites...all wrapped up.
Edmund says: the sorrowness is killing me sucking my life out
Edmund says: ofcourse it makes me depend on him more
Edmund says: but man talk about ouch
Steve and Kimber says: of course
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: i'm sure you are going through the winds as well
Steve and Kimber says: i guess...
Edmund says: like seeing how God moved in Taiwan
Steve and Kimber says: ive learned something...
Edmund says: and then now....silence..
Steve and Kimber says: for sure...
Edmund says: what's that?
Steve and Kimber says: reading Sacred Romance right now...
Steve and Kimber says: it asks...
Steve and Kimber says: are you the main character of your small off broadway drama or...
Steve and Kimber says: are you a vital character in this epic story where you are not the main character...
Steve and Kimber says: but rather the Hero of the story is Christ...
Steve and Kimber says: changes perspective of my life and how i view it.
Edmund says: I feel like an extra now
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: not so my friend
Edmund says: or maybe the sign board on the road side
Edmund says: haha
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: vital character if ive ever seen one.
Steve and Kimber says: trust me.
Edmund says: even through the silence huh?
Steve and Kimber says: of course...
Steve and Kimber says: not about us...
Steve and Kimber says: thinking...
Edmund says: i guess my flesh is so selfish
Steve and Kimber says: maybe not...
Steve and Kimber says: just dying to have that feeling of alive.
Steve and Kimber says: worthship in the kingdom
Edmund says: YES!!!
Edmund says: if anything...
Edmund says: it's to be whole again
Steve and Kimber says: do you think He sought you out for nothing?
Steve and Kimber says: trust me he is working something backstage...
Steve and Kimber says: (keeping with the broadway thing)
Steve and Kimber
Edmund says: lol
Edmund says: wow
Edmund says: thanks
Steve and Kimber says: i always look to David...
Steve and Kimber says: let's see...
Steve and Kimber says: shepherd boy...
Steve and Kimber says: kills a tall dude...
Steve and Kimber says: king...
Steve and Kimber says: ops...first musician to king...
Steve and Kimber says: in a cave...
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: adultery then kills a man...
Edmund says: suffer suffer
Steve and Kimber says: then i ask myself....
Steve and Kimber says: what?
Steve and Kimber says: how is he a man after God's own heart.?
Steve and Kimber says: We need to see ourselves differently.
Steve and Kimber says: start with Christ...
Steve and Kimber says: always start with us.
Edmund says: yea...
Edmund says: i also thought about how he was rejected
Edmund says: by his own ppl
Steve and Kimber says: true
Edmund says: and crucified
Edmund says: and here i am complaining about my pity party
Steve and Kimber says: np
Steve and Kimber says: i do it every day
Edmund says: if anything, he's the pro of sorrow
Steve and Kimber says: me me me
Edmund says: ahaha
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: bet kimber hears all about it
Steve and Kimber says: poor kimber
Steve and Kimber says:...
Edmund says: dude
Steve and Kimber says: yes?
Edmund says: behind a great man
Edmund says: there's a greater woman
Steve and Kimber says: is always...
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: now if i can only find mine
Steve and Kimber says: it'll be a good one.
Edmund says: LOL!!!!
Steve and Kimber says: hey...
Steve and Kimber says: have something brewing...can't tell you yet though...
Edmund says: you can't do that!!!
Steve and Kimber says: can.
Edmund says: you alwways do thaT!!!!!
Steve and Kimber says: sorry.
Edmund says: then don't even mention it!!
Steve and Kimber says: i did talk with dennis though.
Steve and Kimber says: about an hour ago
Edmund says: o cool
Edmund says: and?
Steve and Kimber says: no definite answers but...
Steve and Kimber says: ok...can't say anymore.
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: jerk
Steve and Kimber says: love ya man
Edmund says: i can respect that dude
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: just keep me posted man
Steve and Kimber says: can do.
Steve and Kimber says: call you about things later this week.
Edmund says: hey how far is ok city from you?
Steve and Kimber says: 15 mil maybe
Steve and Kimber says: y?
Edmund says: are you gonna be there july 24th?
Edmund says: cos i'm going to ok city for a conference
Edmund says: for 2 nights!
Steve and Kimber says: dude
Steve and Kimber says: !!!!
Steve and Kimber says: what conf?
Edmund says: work man
Steve and Kimber says: oh...boring stuff then
Edmund says: power plant stuff
Edmund says: hahaha
Edmund says: lol
Edmund says: pretty much
Steve and Kimber says: "snoring"
Edmund says: you suck man
Steve and Kimber says: like mexican?
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: food?
Edmund says: hahahahah
Edmund says: mexicans??
Steve and Kimber says: Kimber wants to take you out...
Steve and Kimber says: no...just the food.
Edmund says: HAHAHHAHAHA
Steve and Kimber says: might be mexicans there though.
Steve and Kimber says: nice folk
Edmund says: i can go with a mexican caucasian if you know any
Edmund says: gotta have the white blood in them
Edmund says: hahah
Steve and Kimber says: we have a taiwanese friend coming then...
Edmund says: yea so it's a deal
Edmund says: aw man
Edmund says: so you can't entertain me then?
Steve and Kimber says: oh...wait you hate the whole asian population.
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: HATE????
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: yes...the girl thing.
Edmund says: you definitely suck a big banana now
Steve and Kimber says: we can still entertain.
Steve and Kimber says: of course
Edmund says: o there's a taiwanese girl?
Edmund says: i don;t mind being friendly
Steve and Kimber says: yes...student friend.
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: nice...
Steve and Kimber says: just friends though, ic
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: i'm thru with long distant relationship man
Steve and Kimber says: ic
Edmund says: so yea we can keep in touch
Steve and Kimber says: ok...
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: have something...
Edmund says: but you should know somebody in life church
Steve and Kimber says: i can tell.
Steve and Kimber says: i should
Edmund says: like somebody my age
Edmund says: or younger
Steve and Kimber says: we;
Edmund says: who's perfect for me
Steve and Kimber says: we'll see.
Edmund says: ahah
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: dork
Edmund says: just kidding man
Steve and Kimber says: lol
Edmund says: desperate side of my hormons
Edmund says: lol
Steve and Kimber says: ok...listen...................................
Edmund says: ok what can you tell?
Edmund says: reading
Edmund says: ....
Steve and Kimber says: ringing..........................
Steve and Kimber says: second ring...............
Steve and Kimber says: third...............
Steve and Kimber says: answer the phone you dork...
*pickup the phone* end
ahhh... my good friends Steve and Kimber.