Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Pre-Landfall Sunday 8-31-08

Mandatory Evacuation as of Sunday 8-31-08. Streets were empty. Uptown felt like a Ghost Town as I rode in to work. Storm Clouds footage were taken on top of the boiler tower around 7:30PM. Started storming around 7:50PM.


Rob Wilton said...

great stuff man. keep the videos coming.

Netta said...

I came up on your blog randomly. But what is random? But maybe God's leading? I will pray for you as your minister to the needs that arise... and for the safety of all... As you have said "God is in control".
Praying for you up in Kentucky!

John T. Meche III said...

Dude that's crazy. I wonder what it's going to look like on the West Bank when I go back to work. I'll be praying for you man.

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