Monday, October 03, 2005

Katrina & Rita: Hot chics

I wish.

They are less than beautiful or hot. Nice names. But that's about it. Nothing else about them were nice at all. So here I am back in town but still leaving and working like a Gypsy or runaway prodigal child.

I am alive and well. What more can I say but that God is Sovereign.

I just wanted to pen in something real quick to keep a posting of what's happening. I will be back soon I guess after I stabilized my life....maybe it wasn't meant to be stable.... perhaps the Lord has something else in mind through these storms...

"the shadow proves the sunshine" - Jon Foreman, Switchfoot

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Take the stage

Lately I have been thinking and praying about Vertical(Youth Group)'s band. I have been feeling like all the prayers for the past 3 years are finally answered and fulfilled. I feel like the vision that He has given me concerning the band is going to come to fulfillment soon.
Just within 1 week, God led 1 drummer (fully talented and loves Him), 2 interested drummers, 1 bassist, 2 bassist, 4 guitarist, and 2 singers into my path! I have been praying for the past 2 years..."God provide the labors, especially talented musicians who has a heart for worship"....He is definitely sending them now.
Strange that they suddenly popped up like mushrooms? I am wondering the same thing. However, God led me to realize that this was all about obedience to Him. The moment we decide to obey Him no matter what the cost may be, He will open the floodgates and drench the living toothpaste out of you! (it's getting late..sorry)

In short, I am learning how to be a good steward of this blessing at this point and here's what the spirit is saying...
"The stage is too crowded for talents"
puts things in the perspective of the heart of worship huh? I have lots to do...

Monday, August 01, 2005


" "Be" just means to be able to do without trying hard. Be is the simplicity of life, like being the core of who you are. Being who you are wherever you are, whether it be the best of you or the worst of you. Be is being natural and really doing, without trying hard. You don't have to try hard when you're just being, you just exist." - Common a.k.a Lonnie Lynn

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Is there anything that satisfies?

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Ever wondered why there's constantly a void inside that seems impossible to fill?

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Truth that cuts deep

Here's a thought that started off with an "Ouch".

An excerpt from Pete Greig's "The Vision and The Vow":

"The heartbeat of our faith is not achieving great things for God, nor is it doing great things with God. Our deepest Longing is simply to be with God, to know Him as Friend and Father, to trust Him as Savior, and thus, to obey Him as Lord."

How often do I continue to whine and complain..."God, why do I feel so stressed out? I am doing YOUR work for YOUR glory but yet I honestly feel empty and drained..."
I believe this is certainly not the way God wants me to go on. The ministry that He has me in now is in vain if I forget that it's ALL about falling in love with Him FIRST! Easier said than done, right?

I guess I am truly discovering His heartbeat in a totally different perspective, one that is actually impossible to do it with my own strength.

I have come to realized that God will always be the Sovereign One and I am just His servant. A pursue for complete adoration of the Father...

It's been awhile...

So, this isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but since I had already started it, might as well keep it up and hopefully somebody might find this relevant.

We'll see how it goes....

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